
Unix for Theologians

quod scripsi




Welcome to Joe's

Welcome to my new site. I've finally taken the plunge, registered a domain name and set up my own site independent of an ISP. I'm still in the process of reorganizing the content from my previous 4 or 5 sites; you can access all of it from the links on the left.

So what are those links?

Unix for Theologians is my 1999/2000-vintage Unix advocacy site thingy which was my first real attempt at learning HTML. It was all done using vi. And 4 years later, I'm still editing my pages with vi. So what does Unix have to do with theology? Take a look.

Quod scripsi is a collection of things I've written over a number of years.

/var is an attempt at a weblog. /var is a Unix directory with lots of various stuff, and "var" is the second syllable of the Hebrew "davar", which means "word." In /var you'll find lots of words about various things.

whoami is the Unix command you use to determine who you are at a particular moment and on a particular system. Use whoami to see my resume in various formats.

vi is the name of my favorite text editor; I use it to write most everything. You can use vi to write to me.

And on the right. . .

On the right side you'll find whatever links and sites I find cool and useful at the moment.


Why not?

But more specifically, I've had some requests for my old sites' content, and I'm also starting work on writing a/some cool book(s). When my books are published, this'll probably be a site for self-promotion and book info. Just think: you can tell the world that you were a visitor here before I was famous!

Hey! This page doesn't look right!

Don't blame me: blame your browser. Internet Explorer apparently can't handle standards correctly. Don't you think it's time to treat yourself to a better browser? Just say 'no' to spyware, popups and browser hijacking!


today's cool stuff

Lisp Resource Kit CSS page


The Haus

What's new?

Sermon for 2/11/2007: John 1:29-34 -- God Reveals His Son

So you really want to learn Japanese?

Newspaper articles

Sermon for 4/18/2004: John 20:24-31 -- Jesus Takes Away Your Doubt

Sermon for 8/15/2004: Galatians 5:1-6 -- Christ Has Set You Free